The photo below shows what the Clear Fork of the Trinity River usually looks like, much of its ancient limestone bed high and dry:
Ah, but then came the month of May 2015 when, according to the National Weather Service, Texas received 35 trillion-with-a-t gallons of rain—enough to cover the state eight inches deep.
What do 35 trillion gallons of rain look like?
Some of those gallons were seen hurrying downstream on the Clear Fork as we ended the wettest May on record (video viewable in high definition):
Come late August, when it’s 110 degrees, and no rain has fallen in two months, and the Clear Fork is again so shallow that you can wade across it without getting your court-ordered ankle monitor wet, let us remember what the Clear Fork looked like after 16.96 inches of rain in the month of May.
(Our wettest month ever was April 1922 when 17.64 inches of rain fell, causing the flood of April 24-25.)
Meanwhile, at Lake Worth:
Wet and Wild: One of Our Waterfalls Is Missing
And at a local waterfall:
Airfield Falls: What the Rain Hath Wrought
The big floods in Fort Worth history:
The Flood of Eighty-Nine: The First of the Big Four
From “Fair” to “Flee”: The Flood of Oh-Eight
From Beneficial to Torrential: The Flood of Twenty-Two