Posts about religion in Fort Worth:
First United Methodist Church (Part 1): Genesis, Exodus, Revelation
First Christian Church: God’s Home With a Dome
Born in the Acre, Baptized—by Fire—on the South Side
Las Reliquias (Part 2): Mexican Presbyterian Church
The Saints of Throckmorton Street: Stanislaus, Ignatius, Mary, and Patrick
Academy of Our Lady of Victory: “Intellect, Heart and Taste”
J. Frank Norris: One Foot in the Pulpit, One Foot in the Witness Stand
Bushwhack on the Brazos (Part 2): Exodus and Regenesis
Top o’ Hill Terrace (Part 1): War
“Built on the Rock, the Church Shall Stand”
What Sunday Looked Like a Century Ago
“A Place Where Broken Hearts and Blighted Lives Were Made Happy”
After All, There’s a Tee in “Theology”
Who the Heck Were . . . Boyce, Broadus, and Gambrell?
Churches, Mines, Courtrooms—and a Place in Panther City Lore
“I Read from First Fallopians, Chapter 3: ‘Fret Not Thy Gizzard’”
Father Guyot: The “Unfailing Worker” of Throckmorton Street
Father Nolan: A Bible, a Badge, and a “Batter Up!”
Class on Glass: The High and the (Al)Mighty
Class on Glass: How Great, Thou Art of Architecture
Class on Glass: Praise the Lord and Pass the Windex
Class on Glass: Saints Preserve Us From Big Blue Boxes
Class on Glass: Beatitudes on a Blue Backdrop
East and West, Iron and Stone
Amazing Grace
Portals of Light
Blueprints and Beatitudes
Beatitudes in Brick
Bricks and Martyr
The Spires in “Inspiring”
Design Divine
Quatrefoils (Part 2): Cowtown Gothic
The Devil Is Definitely Not in These Details
Knock, and It Shall Be Opened Unto You
Let There Be Light . . .
(Photo taken at St. Patrick Cathedral.)